Insurance Claim
Manage all claims efficiently and minimise your damage and loss.
As one of Australia’s largest insurance brokers, our distinct professional approach brings unique benefits to our clients in the following services:
Efficient, timely Claims Management
Our claims management service focuses on minimising loss and damage; delivering timely and accurate claims management reports and guiding our clients in achieving the best possible financial return.
Complicated, difficult claim? No problem.
Through our dealings with all the major insurers we command direct access to their senior management to resolve problem claims. No matter how difficult or complicated your claim, we can help.
The first 48 hours of loss are critical:
Professional management of your claim in the first 2 days can dramatically affect the outcome of your claim.
Our experience is that the first 48 hours of loss is critical and can dramatically affect the outcome of the claim.
During this period we follow the following steps:
- Engage Principal Adjusters/Claims Preparers
- Advise Insurers
- Establish internal claim contact protocols
Sum Insured Calculators – To avoid underinsurance we have access to resources that can assist in ensuring you are not under-insured. Click here to find how.